Hello and Welcome

Welcome to ZionRootsGenealogy.org, a website documenting the genealogical history of the German-Lutheran immigration to the Perry County, Missouri region.


Zion Roots LogoZionRootsGenealogy.org is sponsored by the Lutheran Heritage Center & Museum of the Perry County Lutheran Historical Society (PCLHS).  PCLHS is a century old historical society designed to preserve, document, interpret, and educate the public regarding the 1839 German-Lutheran immigration to the Perry County, Missouri region.  In addition to its many interesting exhibits, the Museum houses the Zion Roots™ Research Library and Reading Room, founded and designed by Kenneth F. Craft to further the research mission of PCLHS.  The name Zion Roots™ reflects the original immigrant names from the monograph, Zion on the Mississippi by Walter Forster  (CPH, 1953.)


The Zion Roots™ library provides a rich collection of historic resources from the United States and Germany.  The in-house research data includes records organized by surname, German hometown, and German parish, regional census data, as well as extensive Dresden, Bavarian, and Austrian data.  The in-house library also includes a large map collection and numerous family genealogy books that have been compiled and donated by descendants of immigrants.  Online access to some of the Zion Roots™ materials will be provided, beginning with the ZionRootsGenealogy.org website.


ZionRootsGenealogy.org is a collaborative project for creating a single genealogical network comprising multiple families who were part of the “Saxon immigration” to Perry County.  Descendants of these immigrants and other early settlers are invited to participate by submitting genealogical information for their family.  The resulting community tree will show the complex relationships that have subsequently evolved between families.  The privacy of living people will be respected by restricting access to information about them.


Please refer to the FAQ section of this website, available from the “?” button in the menu bar, for more detailed information regarding participation in this online collaborative effort.



Lutheran Heritage Center

The Lutheran Heritage Center & Museum contains more than 4,000 square feet of exhibit space, and provides tours of the nearby historic Log College Seminary, the Christiane Loeber Cabin, and Trinity Lutheran Church.


The Museum is open daily from 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.  Admission is free.

75 Church St. / P.O. Box 53, Altenburg, MO  63732
www.lutheranmuseum.com         573-824-6070


All information obtained from this website and used for publication should be cited:  Perry County Lutheran Historical Society, Altenburg, MO, "Saxon Lutherans Genealogy," <ZionRootsGenealogy.org>.


You are not authorized to use any information from this website for commercial purposes.

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is seeking new members with ancestral roots in east Perry County, Missouri to contribute their family histories.

Please review our FAQs,
confirm your qualifications,
and then CLICK HERE to apply
for your free new account.

Good and Bad - Please read
Thursday, June 10, 2021 5:50 PM

Good News:  This website has been moved to a more reliable hosting service.  The latest version of webtrees is now being used, and underlying software components are up-to-date.

Bad News:  It was discovered that due to several problems at the former hosting service, some requests for new accounts never reached the webmaster.  If you requested an account and never received a response, please accept my sincere apology and resubmit your request.

Website Introduction at Conference
Thursday, October 11, 2012 4:58 PM

The Zion Roots Genealogy website wil be introduced to attendees of the Second Biennial International Conference on the Study of Lutheran Immigration to the Altenburg, Missouri Region held on Oct. 25-27, 2012 in Altenburg, MO.  The website currently includes genealogies for the Palisch and Fiehler families, with more to be added soon.  Conferees will learn how they can contribute to this collaborative effort to build a comprehensive community tree.

Top 10 surnames
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