Johann Boxdorfer + Flora Klemp

1 child
Birth: December 8, 1877
Death: August 14, 1957Perryville, Perry County, Missouri, USA
Birth: February 17, 1849Cincinnati, Hamilton County, Ohio, USA
Death: December 7, 1910Perry County, Missouri, USA
Birth: February 7, 1820Weidnitz, Bavaria, Germany
Death: September 27, 1901Perry County, Missouri, USA
Birth: December 17, 1822Azendorf, Bavaria, Germany
Death: August 3, 1888Perry County, Missouri, USA
Birth: August 11, 1855Perry County, Missouri, USA
Death: December 18, 1877Perry County, Missouri, USA
Birth: September 18, 1827Prussia
Death: April 17, 1893Perry County, Missouri, USA
Birth: September 16, 1835Metz, France
Death: July 13, 1893Perry County, Missouri, USA

Facts and events


Some family records show Johann's birth as 2 FEB 1849.

An obituary from December 1910 reads as follows: "John M. Boxdorfer, an aged and much respected farmer of Route 4 died at his home on last Wednesday evening of liver trouble from which he had been suffering for some time. He was about 62 years of age and was a good man. Since the time his barn burned last spring, in which his feet were badly burned while trying to save some of the farm implements, Mr. Boxdorfer had not been well. The deceased was married to Catherine Maisel in 1878.Tothis union were born 12 children and 9 of them survive him. His mortal remains were laid to rest in the Lutheran Cemetery near this city on last Thursday evening. Peace to his ashes."

John Boxdorfer's first wife was Flora Klemp. She gave birth to William G. Boxdorfer 08 DEC 1877 and died 18 DEC 1877 and is buried at Immanuel Lutheran Cemetery, Perryville, Missouri.


Died 10 days after giving birth to William G. Boxdorfer.

Last change
November 18, 201315:25:48
Author of last change: Hennemann