Philipp Hennemann, 17851853 (aged 67 years)

Philipp /Hennemann/
Given names
Death of a mother
Birth of a son
Christening of a son
Note: Jacob Hennemann was baptized in the evangelical church of Berghausen, Prussia (Germany). The church stands in the middle of the village. The church nave was torn down in 1966 and newly built into a hexagon style church. Only the original tower remained standing. The tower was damaged by forces from the United States (tanks) during the course of World War II (27 March 1945). Text from the baptismal record of Jacob Henrich Hennemann as found in the parish register of Werdorf/Berghausen parish: 1829, "Philip Hennemann and his wife Henriette, nee' Arnold let baptize on September 27, her son who is born on September 26 at 4:00 in the morning. Godfather was Jacob Meckel from whom the child was named Jacob Henrich." (Jacob Meckel may have been the husband of Anna Elizabeth Hennemann - a spouse of Jacob's first cousin once removed).

Jacob Hennemann was baptized in the evangelical church of Berghausen, Prussia (Germany). The church stands in the middle of the village. The church nave was torn down in 1966 and newly built into a hexagon style church. Only the original tower remained standing. The tower was damaged by forces from the United States (tanks) during the course of World War II (27 March 1945). Text from the baptismal record of Jacob Henrich Hennemann as found in the parish register of Werdorf/Berghausen parish: 1829, "Philip Hennemann and his wife Henriette, nee' Arnold let baptize on September 27, her son who is born on September 26 at 4:00 in the morning. Godfather was Jacob Meckel from whom the child was named Jacob Henrich." (Jacob Meckel may have been the husband of Anna Elizabeth Hennemann - a spouse of Jacob's first cousin once removed).

Notes from research performed in Germany: " all places (villages), which are named in this genealogical table are situated near Wetzlar in the lower Dill-Valley. The name Heinrich was pronounced (and spelled) in former times as "Henrich."

January 21, 1853 (aged 67 years)
Last change
November 21, 201318:42:39
Author of last change: Hennemann
Family with parents
Birth: 1759Niedergrimes (Wetzlar) Hessen, Germany
Death: February 19, 1803
Marriage MarriageFebruary 18, 1784
13 months
Birth: March 6, 1785Germany
Death: January 21, 1853Germany
Family with Henrietta Arnold
Birth: March 6, 1785Germany
Death: January 21, 1853Germany
Birth: April 4, 1789Germany
Death: November 5, 1854Germany
Marriage MarriageMay 21, 1815Germany
15 years
Birth: September 26, 1829Berghausen (Werdorf), Hesse, Prussia
Death: March 7, 1912Uniontown, Perry County, Missouri, USA