Charles Sims, 18931960 (aged 66 years)

Charles /Sims/
Given names
Birth of a daughter
Death of a mother
November 25, 1917 (aged 24 years)
Death of a wife
August 10, 1928 (aged 35 years)
Cause: childbirth
Note: Barbara's two surviving children, Charles and Rhoma, were raised by their great aunt, Bregetta Maisel Young.
Death of a father
February 8, 1960 (aged 66 years)
Research task
User: Maisyben
Note: Charles Seems (aka Sims), born 7.15.1893, is the son of Louis Albin and Emma Feltz Seems (aka Sims). Other siblings are:

Charles Seems (aka Sims), born 7.15.1893, is the son of Louis Albin and Emma Feltz Seems (aka Sims). Other siblings are:
Felix Joseph ( b.1882), married to Mary C. Moranville.
Joseph Robert (b.1884),
Mary Maude (b.1887), married Arthur Tucker.
Isabelle (b. 1889), married Lawrence Schade.
Thomas (b. 1891),
Verona (b. 1892),
Marie (b. 1895), married Floyd Schade.
Zeda (b. 1898), Married Ray Junker.
Emma (b. 1900)

Louis Albin Seems (aka Sims) parents are: Felix and Anna Maddock Seems (aka Sims).
Louis Seems siblings are: Joannah, Elizabeth, Thomas, Emanual, Richard, Mary Ann, Margaret, Vincent, Susannah, Gertrude and Henriette.

Last change
February 27, 202004:39:13
Author of last change: Maisyben
Family with parents
Marriage MarriageNovember 6, 1881
12 years
Family with Barbara Burns
Research task

Charles Seems (aka Sims), born 7.15.1893, is the son of Louis Albin and Emma Feltz Seems (aka Sims). Other siblings are:
Felix Joseph ( b.1882), married to Mary C. Moranville.
Joseph Robert (b.1884),
Mary Maude (b.1887), married Arthur Tucker.
Isabelle (b. 1889), married Lawrence Schade.
Thomas (b. 1891),
Verona (b. 1892),
Marie (b. 1895), married Floyd Schade.
Zeda (b. 1898), Married Ray Junker.
Emma (b. 1900)

Louis Albin Seems (aka Sims) parents are: Felix and Anna Maddock Seems (aka Sims).
Louis Seems siblings are: Joannah, Elizabeth, Thomas, Emanual, Richard, Mary Ann, Margaret, Vincent, Susannah, Gertrude and Henriette.