Henriette Josephine Boehme, 18701913 (aged 43 years)

Henriette Josephine /Boehme/
Given names
Henriette Josephine
Also known as
Henriette Josephine /Sternweis/
Birth of a sister
Death of a sister
Birth of a brother
Birth of a sister
Birth of a sister
Birth of a sister
March 29, 1885 (aged 14 years)
Birth of a sister
Note: Missouri birth record says 11th child.
Death of a father
Birth of a son
Birth of a daughter
Death of a brother
Birth of a daughter
Death of a son
August 21, 1913 (on the date of death)
Death of a daughter
August 21, 1913 (on the date of death)
Death of a daughter
August 21, 1913 (on the date of death)
Death of a husband
August 21, 1913 (on the date of death)
Burial of a father
Burial of a mother
August 21, 1913 (aged 43 years)
Last change
May 30, 202216:06:12
Author of last change: kberkbigler
Family with parents
Marriage MarriageDecember 2, 1862Uniontown, Perry County, Missouri, USA
elder brother
Birth: January 15, 1865
Death: July 4, 1927
15 months
elder sister
Birth: April 3, 1866
Death: March 16, 1931Perryville, Perry County, Missouri, USA
4 years
Birth: April 2, 1870
Death: August 21, 1913
3 years
younger sister
2 years
younger brother
3 years
younger sister
Birth: March 8, 1878
Death: September 1, 1954Farmington, St. Francois County, Missouri, USA
2 years
younger sister
Birth: April 21, 1880
Death: July 4, 1956
3 years
younger sister
Birth: January 14, 1883
Death: November 1970
3 years
younger sister
Family with Henry Sternweis
Birth: May 14, 1865
Death: August 21, 1913
Birth: April 2, 1870
Death: August 21, 1913
Marriage MarriageDecember 3, 1903Sherrill, Dubuque County, Iowa, USA
11 months
Birth: November 10, 1904
Death: August 21, 1913
3 years
Birth: January 6, 1908
Death: August 21, 1913
5 years
Birth: November 27, 1912
Death: August 21, 1913
Shared note

Murder and Suicide Theory is Established
Iowa Authorities Believe Mrs. Sternweis Killed Husband and Children Before Destroying Self.

It was positively declared today that the body found in the burned barn at the Sternweis home, where the family of five perished, was that of Mrs. Sternweis. This was determined when gold and other false teeth were discovered in the ashes of the ruins. The authorities take this as proof that Mrs. Sternweis murdered her husband and three children, burned the farm buildings, and then committed suicide. The funeral for the five dead was held today.
Question of which died first, husband, wife or children, may determine the dispostion of the estate, which is now believed to be worth fully $100,000.

[Published in the Salt Lake Herald-Republican, August 24, 1913.]

Shared note

The following note appears on FindAGrave.com.

"Henry Sternweis, wife and three children were murdered and then cremated in the ruins of their home sixteen miles northwest of Dubuque. All of the buildings on the farm were burned excepting one and rags saturated with kerosene were found in the this building." [Published in the Spirit Lake Beacon, August 28, 1913.]

A newspaper article published in the Rock Island Argus and available at ChroniclingAmerica.loc.gov suggests that the deaths were a quadruple murder and suicide committed by Henry Sternweis.

A coronor's inquest was planned, but I have not been able to find the report. -KPB

Shared note

Murder and Suicide Theory is Established
Iowa Authorities Believe Mrs. Sternweis Killed Husband and Children Before Destroying Self.

It was positively declared today that the body found in the burned barn at the Sternweis home, where the family of five perished, was that of Mrs. Sternweis. This was determined when gold and other false teeth were discovered in the ashes of the ruins. The authorities take this as proof that Mrs. Sternweis murdered her husband and three children, burned the farm buildings, and then committed suicide. The funeral for the five dead was held today.
Question of which died first, husband, wife or children, may determine the dispostion of the estate, which is now believed to be worth fully $100,000.

[Published in the Salt Lake Herald-Republican, August 24, 1913.]